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Builders in at the training ground

edited January 2007 in General Charlton
I wonder what they're up to - other than yet again repainting the names on the office doors - can anyone shed any light?


  • Maybe Jimmy broke one of the toilet seats?
  • edited January 2007
    I know someone who's knocking out some cheap bog seats
  • Glen Johnson?
  • re-modeling the canteen area and a few other bits and pieces at Pardew's request.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]re-modeling the canteen area and a few other bits and pieces at Pardew's request.

  • I daresay it was to finally clear up the mess following one of Iain Dowie's patented morale boosting first team food fights.
  • Perhaps its some top secret training method, showing how to pass and trap a ball on big screens, whilst they sip their cuppas... how to shoot (from inside the box), how to get inside the box.. etc?
  • edited January 2007
    Cos he's the boss.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]re-modeling the canteen area and a few other bits and pieces at Pardew's request.

    I wish I was privy to such sensitive inside information! ;-)
  • edited January 2007
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  • edited January 2007
    Just as well I didn't mention the boot cleaning machine then
  • Have they finished all the works with the new pitches etc? The "major" development that we were told about last year?

    Come to think of it - I KONW they haven't done the exit road onto Footscray Rd,
  • edited January 2007
    Well it could be that he thinks it will create a better and more effiecient working environment. If I was a management coach and one of my clients did that I might also think they were trying to stamp their identity on the physical environment to differentiate themselves from their predecessors. But that's just a theory and it is more likely that the canteen is very cramped and that there's not enough space for everyone especially when you add all the new signings.
  • edited January 2007
    All the new signings??? We're on a net +1 unless you know something we don't Henry... ;o)
  • "Just as well I didn't mention the boot cleaning machine then"

    Isn't that what the youth team should do as part of Aprentiship? robaly tell you to piss of if you asked them, they're all on £12k a week and foreign now. Young players nowadays, Football gone to the dogs. etc...
  • i heard the Decorators are in down at the Ladies Training Ground too.
  • must you always lower the tone.
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]i heard the Decorators are in down at the Ladies Training Ground too.

    I hope that's not a crude insinuation about our women's team being free with their sexual favours. Shame on you letting your sisters down like that, B.
  • what on earth has sexual favours got to do with decorators?
  • I think he's missed the point. As a euphemism I am a big fan of "having the painters in". My personal favourite though is "Aunite Joan is coming to stay".
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  • obviously my mind is a sewer to have read it "are in" the wrong way ;-)
  • I suppose that's what happens when you work from home all day...
  • sorry, it was a bit of a crude comment to make.
    auntie joan is a new one on me.
  • iv'e heard 'the reds are playing at home' not too sure about the auntie joan one though.
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]sorry, it was a bit of a crude comment to make.
    auntie joan is a new one on me.
    I'd heard it as "Auntie Flo"
  • yeah aunite flo......... auntie Joan????
  • Ahem, I'm not a world authority on the trials and tribulations of being a lady, I'll just slip quietly back to topic.

    This changing the canteen around can only mean one thing - Andy Reid is back in training.........
    No less an authority than Pards has said so.

    And keeping Reidy supplied with pies has obviously 'eaten' into the £3 million January window money.
  • Let's hope he doesn't become to bloated or we might have to start calling him auntie JOAN.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Well it could be that he thinks it will create a better and more effiecient working environment. If I was a management coach and one of my clients did that I might also think they were trying to stamp their identity on the physical environment to differentiate themselves from their predecessors. But that's just a theory and it is more likely that the canteen is very cramped and that there's not enough space for everyone especially when you add all the new signings.

    Not enough room for everyone and Jimmy's arse you mean.
  • my fav is "rag week"
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